sobota, 17 lutego 2007

Przebojowa Polka

Że jestem przebojowa, wiem nie od dzis, ale wczoraj postanowiłam o tym przekonać innych.
W Gdańsku odbył się jeden z castingów do nowego programu TVP - "Przebojowe Polki", a ja nie mogłam się tam nie pojawić!

Przegapiłam już "SuperTalent, a przeciez gorąco wierzę, ze ów talent posiadam! Pozostaje jedynie kwestia ustalenia, co nim jest. Moze kamera? ;-)

Tak czy siak, program ten jest, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, dla kobiet jedynie, co zwiększa moje szanse o pawie 50% jako ze połowa populacji Polaków nie moze w nim brać udziału!

Dzis czekam na telefon. Dzwoń Nokio! Czemu milczysz?! Nie rób mi tego! Tu chodzi o moją karierę!

Przebojowa Ania

PS. O wybaczenie smiem prosić, jako że z niewiadomych mi powodów Blogger nie pozwala mi dziżycie zmiękczonego "s" uznajęc operację "prawy alt + s" jako akcję "Publish". Podobny (acz bardziej złozony problem) mam z operację "prawy alt + z". Za niedogodnosci przepraszam.

środa, 14 lutego 2007


I'm wonderinh if anyone reads what I write.

I'm wondering how many people write Bologs that noone reads.

I'm wondering how many people is wondering like me?

niedziela, 11 lutego 2007

A party that I wasn't invited to

This morning I started work at 11. I came to the hotel quite cheerful and merry. A friend of mine asked me for a reason of that. Are you still thinking of a party from last night? I said - no, Im thinking of a party that I wasn't invited to.

Last night was a night for my friend. For couple last months we have had no time for having a bottle of wine together as we had a tradition in the past. When we reached my flat (after visiting our favourite salsa-club "just for a moment" that appeared to be 2 hours moment) we met my flatmate there. Just to let you know I live with my sister and her boyfriend. She was gone to visit my parents. I was supposed to be there as well, so he was hoping to have a flat just for himself.

When we came there just after midnight he was just in the middle of some maintanance-audio-car-radio-sth-sth-work. Unfortunatelly it wasn't too difficult to stop him from doing what he was doing. Instead of drinking white wine with Tomek and watching "Assacination Tango" guys ended up emptying my cupboard drinking all wodka that I had! I went to bed at 2 a.m. and I can easilly remember them exploring my cupboard at 4 or 5 a.m. using a forehead torch!

When I was leaving for work at 10:30 they were still sleeping!

And so much for an evening with an old friend ;-)

piątek, 9 lutego 2007

The next FIRST TIME - hopefully not the last one ;-)

So this is it. My first blog. Finally after years of thinking of it - realisation.

The only question that comes up to my mind is what language to choose. Would be a good practise if I write it all in English - would be more interesting if I stay at Polish. We'll see... For now on, as all inroductions passed in queens language I shall use this for a while, if you don't mind. Anyway please excuse all misteakes that may happen and morover please excuse all phrases in my native language. I may use them quite often (swearing is good thing to do in a ..... let's say "more local language" :P ). (It is not that I'm swearing very often!!! - nothing like that!!!)There are things best to say straight from the heart and my heart speaks polish. FLUENTLY!

So this is it. This is a place, where I should start introduction. As a typical woman I love talking about myself. In fact I love talking about anything! I may talk about you as well, just give me a reason! Ladies and genleman! I have no idea where to start and therefore I will not start at all. You will certainly get to know me shortly, if only anyone looks up here at least one more time (fingers crossed it is one person more than my best friend ;-) ).

Enough of this!

Enjoy, and speak to you soon :-)
